Get Involved


Sometimes people may be willing to be involved but not have time to physically Volunteer in various projects.

At Projects Impact we welcome people wishing to contribute by way of donating to a specific project. You can sponsor someone like school children or towards a project in the community for them to achieve their full potential. People sometimes choose to contribute towards the completion of Projects that other people have started.

We Identify specific needs in public schools and around the local communities. These could be the need for school uniforms and books, building or completing a library, classroom furniture, improved sanitation, better school structures, computer lab, etc

Projects Impact mobilizes the  human and material resources needed to provide these infrastructures. The projects are ongoing and people on shorter volunteering may contribute towards the completion of these projects.

Contact us on the detail provided should you wish to partner with us or sponsor any of our projects. 


Projects Impact Zambia is keen to partner with other organisations in the area of our Volunteer programmes. We are happy to establish partnerships with any organization that makes Volunteers travel arrangements, Gap year and internship programmes from around the world. We are currently working with other Not-for-profit organisations Kitwe and Livingstone.

We would love to partner with organisations that respect the local culture, individuals and organisations. We aim for our partners to be willing to participate in a full cultural immersion through orientation to the local culture and language.